A Spooky Flair Fair This Year! October 03 2018

We're bringing back our vendor market Flair Fair for a 6th time—this round is the first one in October! We decided to have it a month later than usual to line up with City Wide Open Studios happening at the same time in the neighborhood. This allows us to get a little spooky with the poster art by Allison Bamcat.

The 1 day market features over 10 makers selling pins, patches, buttons, and more collectible pieces of art. If you like Strange Ways—you'll definitely enjoy Flair Fair! It takes places just a few steps away from our storefront in New Haven, CT. The event is free to attend, and will feature a food truck and official after party at Barcade downtown. See you all there! 

Flair Fair

October 13th — 11AM–4PM
827 Whalley Ave • New Haven, CT

Vendor List + Market Info
RSVP + Invite Friends